The Evolution of Remote Controls
July 21, 2024 2024-09-23 17:30The Evolution of Remote Controls
The Evolution of Remote Controls
History of Remotes
Remote controls are vital in the operating process of consumer electronics. They command numerous home appliances used to automatically operate the device from a short distance through a wireless connection. The wireless connection makes remote controls enhance convenience in the operation of electronic devices.
It is almost impossible to imagine a home appliance without a remote control nowadays. A quick flashback in the evolution of remote controls shows that there were times when remote controls weren’t in existence. Back then the operation of electronic devices was somewhat a daunting task.
The first remote control for an electronic device like the television set was developed by Zenith Radio Co-operation in 1950. The new electronic component was called “lazybones”, it had a wire running from the back of the device to the remote control. A wireless version was later invented in 1955 and was called “flash magic”. Further innovations from the company formed the framework through which most remote controls worked on for the next 25 years. Most notable of which is the Zenith Space Command Remote Control which worked using ultrasonic technology by Dr Robert Alder. His version of remote controls was prevalent until the discovery of Infrared technology.
Infra-red(IR Technology)
The most predominant Remote controls over the years after then are based on the working principles of IR (infrared). Which was developed after a series of other innovations had failed to provide the intended convenience. The IR devices are designed to work by sending digitally coded pulses of infra-red radiation straight to the electronic device. To be able to carry out simple controls that are peculiar to the device.
Most remote controls designed for this devices are small handheld wireless devices which usually contain a collection of control buttons. Previous remote controls were based on the working principles of ultrasonic tones. This required a certain code which is only peculiar to a particular product line. Innovations after this broke the limitations; we have remote controls are universal.

Radio Frequency (RF)
(IR) paved way for wireless remote controls. Nowadays RF ( Radio Frequency Remote control) seems to have taken centre stage.

It does not require that the remote control device be aimed at any electronic system before controls can be done, it works using the principles of radio frequency. This has in a way replaced the traditional methods of making electronic and home appliances with custom IR remote controls. Most cars now have Radio Frequency (RF) remote control fob which seems to be the next level in the process of wireless controls of electronic devices.
Nowadays, Remote control technology is advanced and taken new turns which are evident in the development of wireless keyboards, air mouse control, voice search, gesture swiping control and Bluetooth connectivity.
Apple TV Remote
One notable advancement in remote controls is the Apple TV Remote with Siri- Navigating with Touch is fast and fluid. Users can press the Siri button for voice search and control. The new apple TV remote combines dual microphones Bluetooth connection means you don’t need to directly point at Apple TV. Users can control the TV or Receiver via IR or CEC and it also comes with a built-in gyroscope and accelerometer for playing games.
Advancement in remote control and electronic device technology has not stalled over the years. We are seeing innovations come into the scene every single season and one can only imagine what the face of remote control technology will be in the nearest future.
Are you looking for a custom remote control solution? Contact us today! Call directly: 888-769-8806 or E-mail:“