Channel Master Remote Channel Master Remote Control Replacement Remote Control Replacements TV Remote Replacements

Where to Find Channel Master Remote Control Replacements

Where to Find Channel Master Remote Control Replacements

Channel Master once emerged as a leading consumer advocate in TV during a time of industry upheaval, traditionally found in hotel rooms for TV and set-top box controls and provider of Over-The-Air Broadcast Entertainment Products. However, finding an affordable Channel Master remote control replacement is now completely possible.

Remote Source provides an affordable, replaceable, modern, and sleek alternative to your Channel Master remote control needs.

Remote Source offers you quality Channel Remote control replacements that can be quickly configured to work with any television model from any brand name, including but not limited to HDTVs, Blu-ray players, speakers, Apple, Android TV, Roku and Firesticks.

We provide functionality for every device you want, including multi-device integration with one remote control solution, Bluetooth, Voice control, and special buttons for streaming services such as Netflix or Disney+. Our remote control solutions are intended to provide easy navigation for all types of users, to the disabled, elderly or young children.
Simple Remote - Alternative Remote Control for Apple TV | Channel Master

Why choose Remote Source

Remote Source has thousands of standard remote control models that can be used for OEM applications. We manufacture both IR and RF Frequencies and can integrate with 24G R.F. Bluetooth, Air mouse/pointer, Qwerty keyboard, DVB/OTT /Smart Bac 315/433Mhz RE allowing for custom coding tiers and downloadable code bases.

Customers can choose from many different types of Custom Remote Manufacture Mold types. Remote Source offers custom injection moldings including painting, branding silk-screen printing, and electroplating. lithography, and bronzing. We provide all services pertaining to design, and production. certification. after-sales service, and warranties on all of our products.

Remote Sources also offers antimicrobial remote control solutions that can be used in different types of medical facilities, such as long-term care facilities for senior patients, and give the same benefits as when they are used as a hospital TV remote.

We aim to provide the best, timing and most cost-efficient services for your remote control replacement needs. Feel free to contact us if you are unsure about what would be the best fit for your business.

For any inquiries, please call 888-769-8806 or email [email protected]


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