Mounting and packing

Mounting · Testing · Packaging

The most up-to-date processing machines and our highly-qualified team ensure that our customers receive 100% satisfaction. Whether it’s mechanical processing, the assembly of the enclosure parts or other electromechanical articles, terminal assignment, pre-wiring or the fitting of membrane keypads – in this way, our customers keep their involvement to a minimum, and we are happy to take on their risk of producing faulty parts.

We take over your assembly work, including:

  • assembly of cable glands, display screens, bonding sheets, set-up bows, clips, etc.
  • procurement and assembly of threaded inserts, threaded bolts and conductive seals
  • procurement and assembly of membrane keypads and decor foils

If there are special demands in respect of particle-free mounting of your optical, electronic and precision components, a work table is available which operates with a vertical flow of air and is assigned to purity class 5

Mounting and packing
Fitting membrane keypads
We design and manufacture membrane keypads and front membranes to your exact specifications Depending on the application, we use copper-laminated carrier foils as a basis, or conducting paths applied using the screen printing process – in this way, we achieve optimal quality for every application.
Mounting and packing

Components Rack Assembly

With its large number of standardised system components, our product range of 19“ enclosures forms the basis for the design of individual applicable subracks. We will gladly develop a suitable solution on your behalf. On request we will also wire and assemble them to make a complete system
Mounting and packing

Glueing of display screens

Screw or rivet connections are being replaced by lower-cost glued connections, and this also applies to electronics enclosures. We are ready to advise you when the glueing of elements such as partition walls, pressure compensation elements or display screens is recommended
Mounting and packing

Function test

Then take advantage of our mechanical completion service. We complete your enclosure with all the accessory parts available in our product range such as cable glands, pressure compensation elements, threaded bushings, seals, display screens, battery compartments, DIN rails, mounting panels, terminals, etc.
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